Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Backward Day and Inspire Your Heart with Art Day

It’s the last day of January already and we have a fun day ahead of us.

Today’s first holiday is Backward Day, similar to opposite day. This day is mainly doing things backwards: having dessert to start the meal, read a book from end to beginning, or just plain wearing a shirt backwards. Let your ideas flow and do what you can to have fun with doing things backwards. These guys really did a great job of doing this video backwards.

The second holiday today is Inspire Your Heart with Art Day. Art is a wonderful thing that comes from a person’s very heart and soul and can be viewed in probably a hundred different ways depending on the viewer. Art can vary from having to be in paintings, food, fashion, video game graphics, cartoons, even chair you are sitting is art. Another great thing about art is that anyone can do art; it doesn’t have to be a masterpiece just so long as it means something to you. The drawing on the side of the blue and green figures is of me and my boyfriend who were in a long-distance relationship. I drew this to show how much I missed him; we would call each other every day and talk for hours upon hours. These are some other drawings I’ve done over time that show how our relationship is.

So try doing art of any form or fashion that has a specific meaning to it. Or, if you want, look up amazing artwork, famous or not, that evoke feelings in you whether good or bad.

So use this day to have fun, get inspired, show what you feel, and have a great day.

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