Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day

To all you folks who swore to go on a diet, call your mom more, and take chances, today is your day to forget all of that. Today is Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day.

Today is the day where you are allowed to break your resolutions that you made and be free for the day to do as you please. I’m not saying forget about it completely, just for today. Having to constantly remind yourself to do or not to do isn’t a great idea; you’ll get bored or annoyed with the idea.

Take the day off from your resolutions so that you can look back on this day the next day and think “Do I really need to change?” or “Should I really keep doing this?” This will help put things into perspective to see what is important and how you should be living your life.

If you couldn’t think of any resolutions to come up with to do this year, try this site -> http://www.moninavelarde.com/newyears/ for a few suggestions for the next day.

But for today, let loose, forget about your worries, and have a good day.

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