Sunday, January 1, 2012

It's 2012!!!

Finally, it's 2012. A new beginning and another chance to do things right. I know this year's gonna be good. And how do I know? because this morning I woke up to the sound of laughter from the family (who usually are yelling or bickering amongst one another.)

Last night was kinda nice; I watched Shogun with my boyfriend and his folks until about 1:30 am. The neighbors celebrated the new year with fireworks...even though they aren't allowed to do so.

So after staying up late until 12 or however long you stayed up, doing heaven knows what, try and take this day to just relax. Maybe take a few minutes to reflect on 2011 and think about what you did right and what you want to do differently. I mean, it's a new year; a chance to do things right and get back onto the right path again or maybe find your way to the right path.

And to those of you who may be dreading this new year with your fears of the end of the world or even afraid that you won't succeed, just remember...You have only one life to live at a time, ENJOY THIS ONE WHILE IT LASTS! If you go your life worrying about what might happen then you won't be able to enjoy your life as it passes you by while you sit there, worrying.

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