Saturday, January 21, 2012

National Hugging Day and Squirrel Appreciation Day

Tell me, what do the words “Nuts”, “Trees”, “Cuddle”, and “Love” have do to with today? Tree hugging? Close. Today is National Hugging Day and Squirrel Appreciation Day.

National Hugging Day, now THIS is a great holiday that more people need to celebrate. Personally, I find hugs to mean a lot more to myself and other people than a simple kiss. When you give someone a hug, it’s like you are telling them “I cherish you and care about you. I love you.” And when you get a hug you think “This person really cares about me and how I feel. I feel so special.” Hugs can solve a lot of conflicts and can help heal a broken heart. Celebrate this day by hugging your family, hugging your loved one, hugging your pet or pets, or hugging your friend or friends. Everyone deserves to feel loved and feel special. Be that person who makes them feel that way.

Now, when you see squirrels, you probably think one of two things: awwww, how cute! Or pest. Either way you look at them, squirrels are everywhere so you gotta get used to them. Cats and dogs love’em so why shouldn’t we? All they do is take nuts, scamper around and run across telephone wires so they are pretty harmless….sometimes.

Anyway, try and show some love for them by putting out a treat for them in your yard or make something squirrel related like these


So open your heart, show someone some love and have a nice day.

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