Monday, January 16, 2012

Martin Luther King Jr. Day and National Day

“I have a dream…” that today, everyone will fully celebrate Martin Luther king Jr. Day and National Nothing Day.

Martin Luther King Jr…one of many influential, inspiring, and amazing people in history. Because of him, so many lives have changed, so much has changed in the USA, and so many minds and hearts have been changed and opened up. Martin Luther King Jr. was a wonderful man and stood up for what he believed in. This day today, is his birthday, and holiday, to remember him, his life, and all that he did for us.

Take this day today and do something good today. Follow MLK Jr.’s example and make a difference stand up for what you preach and believe in, and do something that can help our future generations.

As for the National Nothing Day, this is basically like the “Un-birthday” from Alice in Wonderland. It’s holiday about doing nothing.

But to be frank, I would suggest celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. instead and do SOMETHING good today.

So go out, make a difference, and have a great day.

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