Monday, January 2, 2012

Run up the Flagpole and See if Anyone Salutes Day

Now that the buzz over the New Year has settled down a bit, it’s time to celebrate the holiday of today.

Today is “Run up the Flagpole and See if Anyone Salutes Day.”

This is a sort of patriotic sounding holiday but the truth is, it’s just an expression. What it means is to let out an idea or thought that you personally have and see how people react or think about it.

Basically, put yourself out there today. Don’t be afraid of what people might say, just say it. If people react positively, then that’s great. If they react negatively, then that’s ok too. That means you’ve learned something about them as a person and about yourself. 

This is the perfect kind of opportunity to try something new that you might have been too afraid to do before, like get a snazzy haircut or making a dish that you’ve always wanted to make. Don’t keep your thoughts and ideas bottled up inside you. LET’EM OUT!!! Express yourself! Be bold! Or if you want, go ahead and run up a flag and see how people react.

Note: do NOT do anything illegal, immoral, or that you know will physically or emotionally harm towards yourself or others. You don’t wanna go to prison after the New Year has already started do you? No? I didn’t think so.

P.S> don't forget to watch the Rose Parade @}------

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