Friday, January 6, 2012

Bean Day and Cuddle Up Day

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! It looks like we got a two-for-1 day.

Today is Bean Day and Cuddle Up Day!

Bean Day is the day where we get to celebrate the all-important beans. Not much is known about this holiday but I suggest you celebrate beans by…eating them or cooking them. Besides, they are good for your heart (you know the rest…)

Honestly, I have been looking forward to this day all week. When I read that it was bean day, I knew that meant I could get a chance to make some food. I plan on making Dorayaki, a sweet Japanese dish. It’s basically a pancake sandwich with sweet bean paste in the middle. The beans I will be using are azuki beans or red beans.  I have never had azuki beans nor have I ever made a Japanese dish before but I love the Japanese culture and sweet stuff so this should be perfectly fun. ^___^

As for Cuddle Up Day, this is the perfect thing you need during this chilly time of year. It’s cold outside and what better way to keep warm then cuddling up to your spouse, lover or even just your pet. It is a good way to keep your selves from freezing as well as enjoying each other’s company.

Also, since it is Cuddle Up Day and Bean Day, I’m gonna make my Dorayaki’s in the shape of hearts (thought that would be cuter).

Have a great day, stay warm, and don’t eat too many beans before going to bed.

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