Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fun at Work Day and National Kazoo Day

We are finally out of the sweet holidays for now and moving on to work and music.

Today is Fun at Work Day. Yup, all you hard workers and workaholics can finally enjoy yourselves. Now I’m not saying work itself can’t be fun but for those of you who are not magically blessed with that sort of job, whom I praise, this is the day for you to let loose a bit. Try having a race to see who can race across the hall first, do paper ball free-throws at the trash can (but not too many, trees are important), or do what these guys did…

Just make sure that your boss is ok with you doing this stuff before you do anything too fun or disturbing to others…or just wait until lunch break, which would be best.

And the second holiday is…National Kazoo Day! No, not that big-headed, green, know-it-all alien from The Flintstones, the instrument. This day, back in the 1840’s was the day the kazoo was created…but it wasn't put into production by companies until 1912. For those of you who don’t know what a kazoo is, they are those weird whistle-looking things that make a fun tooting sound when you blow into them. They can be really awesome if you know how to play them and even more fun if you have a bunch of friends with kazoos and have free time on your hands.

So use this day to have some fun and enjoy yourself. Also, TGIF!!!

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