Sunday, January 15, 2012

National Hat Day

Oh boy, an apparel holiday! Today’s National Hat Day.

This is the day to wear and show off your favorite headgear, whether it’s a hard hat, a baseball cap, a beret or even a pirate hat. Hats are one of the best ways to complete an outfit or show off your personality.

My favorite hats that I love to wear are my military looking cap, my knitted panda beanie, and my black fedora. It’s gonna be a challenge to figure out which to wear.

I would like to state that I will probably not be able to post any drawings with my blog posts this week. I have been busy applying at different places, trying to get a job somewhere. Anyways, thought I’d let y’all know so you didn’t think I was slackin’ off. Next week the drawings will hopefully be back.

Anyways, have a great day, and wish me luck on the job hunt.

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