Sunday, January 29, 2012

National Puzzle Day and National Cornchip Day

Wow, this month went by pretty quick. We only have 2 more days left of January! Thank goodness it’s another two-for-1 holiday day.

First, today is National Puzzle Day. This day is my kind of day because I love puzzles: Sudoku, crossword, cryptograph, math puzzles, word puzzles, etc. Puzzles are the best way to kill free time and flex the most important muscle in the body: your brain. Go to your newspaper and see if you can complete any of the puzzles or go to a closet or drawer and see if there are any picture puzzles you or your friends and family can put together. This is a hint towards my dad…who has over 15 puzzles which he has only done 2 of.

And the second holiday is National Cornchip Day. These are great snacks for on-the-go, good with any dip, can be incorporated into salads, and are just plain tasty. Simply enjoy yourself a handful of Cornchips today whether you’re busy or at home watching sports.

So take a little time out for yourself, flex your mind, enjoy a salty snack and enjoy your weekend.

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