Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Backward Day and Inspire Your Heart with Art Day

It’s the last day of January already and we have a fun day ahead of us.

Today’s first holiday is Backward Day, similar to opposite day. This day is mainly doing things backwards: having dessert to start the meal, read a book from end to beginning, or just plain wearing a shirt backwards. Let your ideas flow and do what you can to have fun with doing things backwards. These guys really did a great job of doing this video backwards.

The second holiday today is Inspire Your Heart with Art Day. Art is a wonderful thing that comes from a person’s very heart and soul and can be viewed in probably a hundred different ways depending on the viewer. Art can vary from having to be in paintings, food, fashion, video game graphics, cartoons, even chair you are sitting is art. Another great thing about art is that anyone can do art; it doesn’t have to be a masterpiece just so long as it means something to you. The drawing on the side of the blue and green figures is of me and my boyfriend who were in a long-distance relationship. I drew this to show how much I missed him; we would call each other every day and talk for hours upon hours. These are some other drawings I’ve done over time that show how our relationship is.

So try doing art of any form or fashion that has a specific meaning to it. Or, if you want, look up amazing artwork, famous or not, that evoke feelings in you whether good or bad.

So use this day to have fun, get inspired, show what you feel, and have a great day.

Monday, January 30, 2012

National Inane Answering Message Day

Hey…is your refrigerator running? Good, then I can tell what today is.

Today is National Inane Answering Message Day. Do you hate it when someone calls you and it is either complete nonsense or they are pranking you? I know I do. I especially hate it when they are people calling to see if I am someone else and then start talking to me like I know them. That’s just weird. Or the one’s they call to see if you are going to vote for someone you don’t even know about. This is the day to stop the annoying madness of being bothered by people who want to waste your time. How do you do this? By getting caller id or use whitepages.com where you put in a phone number and find out who it is and/or where they are calling from. It’s very useful.

So have a good Monday and remember to use caller id.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

National Puzzle Day and National Cornchip Day

Wow, this month went by pretty quick. We only have 2 more days left of January! Thank goodness it’s another two-for-1 holiday day.

First, today is National Puzzle Day. This day is my kind of day because I love puzzles: Sudoku, crossword, cryptograph, math puzzles, word puzzles, etc. Puzzles are the best way to kill free time and flex the most important muscle in the body: your brain. Go to your newspaper and see if you can complete any of the puzzles or go to a closet or drawer and see if there are any picture puzzles you or your friends and family can put together. This is a hint towards my dad…who has over 15 puzzles which he has only done 2 of.

And the second holiday is National Cornchip Day. These are great snacks for on-the-go, good with any dip, can be incorporated into salads, and are just plain tasty. Simply enjoy yourself a handful of Cornchips today whether you’re busy or at home watching sports.

So take a little time out for yourself, flex your mind, enjoy a salty snack and enjoy your weekend.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fun at Work Day and National Kazoo Day

We are finally out of the sweet holidays for now and moving on to work and music.

Today is Fun at Work Day. Yup, all you hard workers and workaholics can finally enjoy yourselves. Now I’m not saying work itself can’t be fun but for those of you who are not magically blessed with that sort of job, whom I praise, this is the day for you to let loose a bit. Try having a race to see who can race across the hall first, do paper ball free-throws at the trash can (but not too many, trees are important), or do what these guys did…

Just make sure that your boss is ok with you doing this stuff before you do anything too fun or disturbing to others…or just wait until lunch break, which would be best.

And the second holiday is…National Kazoo Day! No, not that big-headed, green, know-it-all alien from The Flintstones, the instrument. This day, back in the 1840’s was the day the kazoo was created…but it wasn't put into production by companies until 1912. For those of you who don’t know what a kazoo is, they are those weird whistle-looking things that make a fun tooting sound when you blow into them. They can be really awesome if you know how to play them and even more fun if you have a bunch of friends with kazoos and have free time on your hands.

So use this day to have some fun and enjoy yourself. Also, TGIF!!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Chocolate Cake Day and Punch the Clock Day

Another two-for-1 day with one for something sweet and one for something …kinda weird. Today is Chocolate Cake Day and Punch the Clock Day…yes, you read that correctly…punch the clock…I’ll explain in a minute.

But first, let’s talk about CAKE! More specifically…CHOCOLATE CAKE!!!*ahem* I’m good now. Anyway, this is the day for all you chocolate lover’s to enjoy. You can go to a store ,or a restaurant, and eat chocolate cake or you can make a chocolate at home (which would be a lot more fun cause then you can make it as chocolaty as your heart desires.)

As for Punch the Clock Day…while not much, well…nothing is known as to what this specifically means, I suspect this day celebrates the punch-in clock that you might use when you come in for work. So please, if you go anywhere and happen to see a clock, do NOT go up and punch it. You’ll heart yourself and you will probably piss off whoever owns that clock more than likely. So try celebrating this day trying to punch in a little earlier than usual.

So enjoy yourself, do good at work or school, and have a good day.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Spouse’s Day

It’s only 18 days ‘til Valentine’s Day but we are going to have a little mini-Valentine’s Day today to celebrate your loved one. Today is Spouse’s Day.

This day is the day to focus on your spouse. I don’t mean you have to go out and buy them expensive jewelry or smelly cologne, but just show them that you love them. If you have to buy something for them to show them you love them, then try something new. Show them that you appreciate them, that you like their little quirks, or that you are grateful for them being in your life. If your spouse does anything that makes them seem over-protective or easily worried, that’s usually just because they love you. Do whatever you think will show your spouse you love them and make sure they feel loved.

I know that my boyfriend is my reason I’m still breathing today because before I met him, I never felt special, important, or loved at all. So be thankful for the person you hold close to your heart and show them that they are important to you. Have a wonderful day and make sure they do too.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Opposite Day

Goodbye, everybody! Today there is nothing to celebrate…Lol just kidding. Today is Opposite Day.

Yup, that holiday that everyone knows about but doesn’t know when it really is is today. This is the day for fun; turn heads and watch others look completely lost as to what you are doing. Try talking backwards, wear your clothes backwards, pretend you like a kind of food you usually don’t care for, do whatever comes to your mind that seems like a good opposite idea (just don’t do anything that will get you in trouble at work, at school, or with the law.)

So don’t have any fun today and have a horrible day.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Beer Can Appreciation Day and Compliment Day

Today is another two-for-1 day. One is different but important and one is about spreading good will.

First off is Beer Can Appreciation Day. Now, why should we celebrate beer cans? Because on this day in 1935, beers were first sold in cans instead of the usual bottle they were put into. Cans are better than bottles because they are more compact and chill much quicker than in a thick bottle. I don’t drink beer because the smell of alcohol makes me lightheaded and tipsy. But for those of you who do like beer, especially those of you who enjoy beer cans, I hope you enjoy this day.

And for numero 2, it is Compliment Day. This is a good chance to gain some good karma, make someone feel good about themselves, and make the world a little bit better. Everyone enjoys a compliment and being recognized for the stuff that they do. Even if it’s someone you don’t know or even like that much, a simple little compliment can put a smile on anyone’s face and warm any heart. Make sure you compliment your parents if you still live with them, compliment your coworkers who do well at work, and anyone else in your life that you might have taken for granted.

So take this day to show appreciation towards beer cans and especially towards other people.