Friday, February 10, 2012

Umbrella Day and Don’t Cry over Spilled Milk Day

Today is another two-for-1 holiday day. Both of which should be “uplifting.”

First up, we have Umbrella Day. The umbrella is one of my favorite inventions man has ever made (right after the GPS.) Rain is one of many everyday annoyances but thanks to umbrellas, you don’t have to worry about it as much. Not only are they a useful invention, but they are also a useful accessory; different shapes, different colors, different designs, anything to suit anyone. Let’s hope there’s some rain today so you can get a chance to use your umbrella. Or you can use it for its original purpose and protect yourself from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Yup, umbrellas were originally made for protection from the sun. Neat, huh?

The other holiday? Don’t Cry over Spilled Milk Day. You know that old saying “No point crying over spilled milk.” Your parents used it, your grandparents used it, and you probably have said it once to your own kids if you have any. This basically means that bad things happen every day or things that you didn’t expect to happen. There is no use getting upset about, the best thing to do is accept it and move on. Yes, things are not going the way you wanted it. Yes, you didn’t get that raise you were hoping. Yes, you got an F on your research paper. But is crying and whining about it going to change it? No. So what is the best thing to do about it? Accept it and keep trying.  There is another old saying that I like that this one reminds me of; “If you don’t like how something is, change it. If you can’t change it, change your perspective on it.”

So for today, try to stay on the positive side. Don’t let life bring you down; be like an umbrella and let the negative parts of your day roll off you like rain drops. Be happy and choose to have a good day.

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